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In Germany, recently there has been a lot of actions against nuclear power and we achieved big success. We shut down eight nuclear power plants. Three more will follow within the next five years. This is a really big deal and happened because of the hundredthousands of people marching for an end of nuclear power again and again. Moreover there were thousands of people declaring to be prepared for direct action and civil disobedience if necessary. Regarding the remaining six power plants the government has the idea to pause the discussion for ten years. Giving time and power to nuclear lobbyism that way, we are afraid to have the same fight once again in the year 2022.

We want to stop nuclear power right now.

In addition to that there is still no solution for a nuclear waste deposit in Germany. A lot of new studies showed up recently, all of them confronted us with facts about the Gorleben salt mine. It has no qualification as a nuclear deposit at all. Water is leaking in and out of the mine to the groundwater and there are gas bubbles in the salt. The decision about Gorleben as the German deposit for nuclear waste was only political but has no scientific or geological reason. Although the ongoing works in the salt mine continue to be declared as ‚exploring the qualification‘ in fact they are illegally already building every needed structure for a nuclear waste deposit.

To stop this madness we are going to block the works in Gorleben.

Beginning on august 14th there will be as many as possible daily non violent blockades at the supposed nuclear waste deposit in Gorleben, Germany. Be Part of it!

We are going to resist each day, a whole year long, with ever changing groups of blockaders. Everyone can be part of the actions. Come on your own or come with your group. Stage your own idea of action.

We want to make our daily life culture visible in front of the gates in Gorleben: a chorus blocks the traffic giving a concert, farmers are holding a market in the middle of the street, you can celebrate your birthday or your marriage on the approach road to the mine. Come with your coffee party or perform one of Shakespeare’s stage plays. Every group brings its own script and ideas. All our fantasy together will make it happen.

Nonviolent blockade of the traffic to the nuclear waste deposit mine

In autumn 2010 the efforts in the salt mine of Gorleben which had paused for ten years started to continue. This way the government tries to create facts and to determine Gorleben as the nuclear waste deposit. In spite of the well known facts that disable the saltmine for this purpose: It leaks water, has blow holes in it and is connected to the underground water.

We demand an instant Stopp on all actions within the mine.

There have been no researches at any other places in Germany that may be qualified for the needs of a nuclear deposit. Although there have been grave doubts on its qualification for over 30 years now. The decision on Gorleben was never scientific but only political.

Though it will not be of any use, the poor fact of investigating a saltmine in Gorleben is an excuse to produce ever more nuclear waste.

We demand an immediate shut down of nuclear power plants

To empower this demand we will block the traffic to the construction site of the deposit mine for 365 days starting on August, 14th 2011. Everyone can be part of it regardless if you are anti nuclear activists or a sports club. Whether you organize a hockey match or invite for a picknick, teach dancing lessons or meet to knit stockings – it is your fantasy and your ideas that we are asking for.

Consensus of action

We will block the entrance of the researching mine Gorleben. We seek to motivate other people to take their responsibility for an end of nuclear power instead of leaving it to an incompetent government.

Our Blockades are actions of civil disobedience. We will not obey to laws and instructions that are made to guarantee a smooth running construction of the deposit mine. We are not willing to leave, because we refer to our action as legitimated and necessary considering the nuclear risk and the unanswered question of where to put the radiating waste. We will act thoughtful and non violent in reaction on police activities such as evictions and others. We are not to be intimidated or discouraged by suppression and prosecution.
We strive for the Life and an enjoyable future and our actions are lead by these values. We will not harm any persons. It is our aim to treat all people with sincerity, respect and open-mindedness. .
Our opponents are not the police and the mine workers. Therefore we will be trying to show that we respect the police men and women and the workers as humans, although criticizing their actions and role.
Within our groups and organisations we aspire non hierarchy structures. We will find our decisions in consensus, listening to everyones ideas and doubts. We are going to disturb the construction of the nuclear waste deposit in a non violent but resolute manner.


If you like to receive more detailed information on gorleben365 or would like to take part, please email us: blockade[at]gorleben365.de.

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